Monday, January 21, 2013

What I’m Watching: Justified

Justified: Season 4, Episode 2 "Where's Waldo?" (B+)

It’s not any clearer than last week where this season is heading, and instead we get a family to rival the Bennetts, though with considerably less combined intellect than even Coover. Among them, it was good to see Beth Grant, who always manages to find fantastic film roles that fit her peculiar nature. Raylan reminding them that they were federal officers when they started smoking pot in front of them was pretty funny. The search for Waldo Truth is going to much more complicated than Raylan or Art expected, and it seems like it’s going to take a toll on them, especially with Art headed out the door soon. I enjoyed the bickering between Raylan and Art, with Tim refusing to get involved. Citing a DMZ was an amusing moment as well, and I liked Art’s comment that they’d stop for lunch on the way in case Raylan shot one of them. Raylan’s flirtation with Lindsey at the end of the episode was endearing, and it’s very troublesome to learn that the aggressive fighter is her husband. It was good to see Wynn Duffy again, and he wins the award for the best quote of the night: “I don’t even trust the way you just said I could trust you.” Shooting the man Boyd caught was brutal, and it’s interesting that Wynn suggested Boyd talk to Raylan. That’s one way to unite all the plotlines. Billy continues to be extremely interesting, and I enjoyed the soapbox debate that he and Boyd had about their true intentions and the possibility of salvation.

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