Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What I’m Watching: Last Resort

Last Resort: Season 1, Episode 12 “The Pointy End of the Spear” (C-)

We came so close to an awesome resolution in this episode, and instead all we got was the suicide of a character who could have been truly pivotal. I admit that I’m a sucker for the thrilling music that played while Kylie was watching the television and then sitting in the car with her dad, reminiscent of the great suspense score from “Lost,” but I wish it could accompany something more productive. Kylie telling her father that she trusts him completely is absurd since he’s so clearly a bad guy, and the fact that he was able to get on Air Force One right from the limo definitely indicates that he’s in cahoots with the President. There was so much deceit in this episode, it was nauseating, and it’s hard to keep track of who’s on what side at this point. Grace declaring her allegiance via flare to Marcus was sweet, though I suspect that she and Cortez are the only ones still with him. Sam trying to pull rank and relieve Marcus was bold and indicative of trouble brewing, though I’m much more worried about Prosser and his determination to stage the coup. Anders is already back on the point and ready to exercise some revenge on Grace, which is definitely and wholly a bad sign. I’m curious to see where Serrat will fall in all of this since he’s no big fan of Marcus’ but he doesn’t much like Prosser either. Coming up tomorrow night is the grand finale, and let’s hope that it’s been worth these thirteen episodes.

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