Thursday, January 10, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Mindy Project

The Mindy Project: Season 1, Episode 10 “Mindy’s Brother” (B)

This episode definitely had its funny moments, but it also had an air of randomness to it that took away from its effectiveness. It makes some sense that Mindy would support her brother financially and push him towards a productive, successful career instead of indulging his rap interests. The fact that he got along so well with Morgan was a lot of fun, and it’s nice to see the entire office warm to him as well. He did turn out to be quite a good rapper, and I enjoyed his final set with an uncomfortable Mindy saying things that she definitely didn’t want to be saying to her brother. As usual, Mindy’s introduction to the episode was among its most entertaining moments, acknowledging the start of a new year and an effort to correct past mistakes, complete with a friendly interaction with a man wearing a knife on his belt on the subway. It would be nice to see more of Gwen and Alex interacting with Mindy in person rather than just hanging out without her and then talking to her on the phone, since they’re both good characters and could be put to much better use. I love when Jeremy and Danny band together to try to get something accomplished, and seeking out the retired father of their new tyrannical landlord was a wholly fantastic mission. Realizing that he wanted to seduce the wife of another man was quite a shock, and this show sometimes knows exactly how far to go, exemplified by the husband brandishing his sword from within his cane and then ending the scene there.

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