Sunday, January 20, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 2, Episode 13 “A Father’s Love” (B+)

This show has scored some seriously good guest stars to play its characters’ parents, and seeing frequent gangster portrayer Dennis Farina as Nick’s dad was a departure from his last terrific role, in HBO’s short-lived “Luck,” though he did get to spend some time with the horses in this part too. His cons were rather elaborate and obvious, but it’s just like Jess, and Winston too, to fall for it because of the allure of his personality and his mustache. I liked Nick’s poor performance with the buyers, which resulted in him having to fake having accidentally ingested sugar. Nick is a character who doesn’t need a dependable father figure, but it’s good to see where he came from and part of what made him who he is. It’s clear that Schmidt is never going to get over Cece, and while that could get old, it hasn’t yet. In fact, this was one of the best plotlines featuring the two of them yet, mainly due to Schmidt running into Robbie while they were both stalking her. Seeing them hang out and bond, while Schmidt kept muttering his plans to smite Robbie under his breath, was a blast, and it’s nice to see this unlikely friendship develop. I never thought that it could get better than Schmidt and Cece sneaking around together and her dressing in the least sexy way possible, but this is definitely a lot of fun. It’s good to see this show proving itself to have mastered several of its characters, knowing full well just what to do with them.

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