Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What I’m Watching: Nikita

Nikita: Season 3, Episode 8 “Aftermath” (C+)

I’m becoming less and less enamored with this show as time goes on. With Amanda appearing only sporadically, this show definitely doesn’t have a specific direction in which it’s headed, instead spotlighting different former Division baddies who just don’t feel like giving up. Liam was, as expected, completely intent on taking out as many people as possible and executing his mission with maximum collateral damage. Yet it didn’t take much to take him down, just some carefully-planned choreography, as Ryan described it, which for some reason merited applause from everyone at Division. Some of Liam’s lines were just silly, like “What’s the first rule of cleaning? Before it gets clean, it gets very messy?” and Nikita’s response to one of his statements later was equally hilarious: “He only missed because I cut off his hand.” Michael’s new electronic hand, though it seemed cool, didn’t pan out as it should have, and it seems only to have caused more problems for everyone. Ryan clearly wanted to bench him, and that’s something that won’t sit well with Michael. Snapping at Nikita and telling her that she’s helped enough was not a positive development, and Michael realizing that his anger triggers his hand just led to plenty of destruction, mostly of Division property. Alex not being in the field means that they’re down some of their best people, and Owen doesn’t seem to want to be involved more than he already is. I think it might be time for me to stop watching this show, or, at the very least, stop reviewing it.

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