Sunday, January 6, 2013

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 4, Episode 12 “Keep on Rowing” (B+)

It’s odd to see a show return with a new episode on New Year’s Day, but it was a welcome instance of fresh television content after a few weeks spent focused solely on movies. I was dreading seeing what would happen after Kristina got all dolled up to offer Adam the perfect romantic night, and it was a relief to see her merely get exhausted rather than suffer some horrible, heartbreaking fate just as it seemed like she was getting better. Seeing all of the Braverman women together was fun, since it’s easy to forget that they’re all related sometimes because they tend to have distinctly separate plotlines. Despite an awkward and unfortunate start, Hank and Sarah’s date went quite well, and I think that he would be a perfect companion for her, far more age-appropriate and alike than Mark ever was. Jasmine asking Crosby to agree to lend her mother money was never going to lead anywhere good, and it’s a good thing that he listened to Adam’s advice and decided to be okay with her moving in, even welcoming her with an apparently genuine gesture of kindness. It’s disconcerting to see Victor’s educational success result in an effort to reach back out to his birth mother, and to see him so aggravated by Sydney’s taunting that he would lose his temper and almost cause a violent scene. It’s going to be hard to repair the relationship between him and Julia, and I do hope that they’re able to because they were just starting to get close to being in a good place.

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