Friday, January 11, 2013

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 4, Episode 13 “Small Victories” (B+)

This episode definitely bordered on the more serious side of things, tackling a few hard-hitting issues while taking a complete break from Kristina’s cancer being front and center. Amy’s pregnancy was a shock, even if that kind of plotline is common, and it was sad to see how it played out, with Drew affirming his support for keeping it only to see her break up with him after he got her the money for the abortion with Amber’s help. Mark coming to see Sarah to tell her about Drew’s state was tough, and Hank’s reaction wasn’t much better, since comparing the two romances and their close timing won’t do anyone any good. Victor calling the police on Julia was awful, and it was difficult to hear her say to the social worker that she was having second thoughts about going through with the adoption because he had endangered her daughter. Having Renee live with Crosby was bound to create problems, but I didn’t expect it to get serious so quickly, with Crosby’s inconsiderate reaction to her turning down a job leading to a heartfelt speech and a reframing of the situation that did not make Crosby look good one bit. Kristina forcing Max to take a shower because of his smell was the lightest of the many plotlines in this hour, and Adam actually did a good job of handling the conversation about his body with him, even if it left them both feeling somewhat worried about the chances of his love life taking off.

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