Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 2, Episode 12 “Prisoner’s Dilemma” (B)

This episode was certainly engaging, but I found Donnelly to be overly cartoonish in a distracting way. Feeding questions into Carter’s ear after choosing her to be the interrogator was unnecessary, and he was far too set on certain subjects for all the wrong reasons. Now, he’s finally out of the picture, setting up the confrontation we’ve been waiting for since we first found out that Kara was still alive. The flashbacks throughout the episode indicated that she’d show up sooner than later, and I liked seeing both Alicia and Snow show up to give them their conflicting orders. Reese’s time spent in jail resulted in the same kind of run-ins frequently seen in the insane asylum on “Smallville,” where Clark was responsible for putting most of the inmates inside. The white supremacists whose dog Reese adopted were ready to give Reese plenty of trouble, and it was great to see Elias step in to help, reminding Reese that, above all, he was the man who came out of nowhere and saved his life. I love that Finch was ready with a gun, set to execute his plan to free Reese, when Carter told him that he was being released. It was enthralling to see Finch getting calls from each payphone as the machine tried desperately to contact him, and I imagine that Finch will have to continue working on his own for a bit as Reese will be preoccupied fulfilling whatever it is Kara wants from him. Fusco’s Armenian adventures were peculiar at best, but I suppose he deserves a good romance after all he’s had to endure.

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