Monday, January 21, 2013

What I’m Watching: Vegas

Vegas: Season 1, Episode 12 “From This Day Forward” (B+)

The D.A. couldn’t figure out who the rat is, but it took Vincent all of two seconds to realize that it was his wife. It’s reassuring to know that, loyal to the mob as he may be, Vincent is, unlike Johnny, not the kind of person who would kill his own wife. Vincent’s confrontation in the car with Katherine was great, first because he warned her about the danger she was in and then because she pointed a gun and reminded him that she could kill him and not get in any trouble. Katherine has a somewhat tangential role on this show, and I’m hopeful that this run-in will provide the framework for an intriguing relationship between the two of them in the future. Mia telling her father that she and Jack were dating wasn’t smart, and him having her fired was a cruel punishment. I imagine that Jack should be able to defeat Johnny when he comes after him, but something tells me it won’t be quite as simple as the disposal of Angelo. It’s fun to see Ralph around his former flame, Dixon’s French teacher, who clearly isn’t over him and wants to pull him back into her web, something that seems unlikely given both the undying affection he has for his wife and the potential romance he might have with Katherine. Yvonne asking Dixon to be her wedding date was definitely the episode’s comic relief, and it’s nice to see him show up and do exactly what she had wanted, smiling the whole time.

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