Friday, March 1, 2013

What I’m Watching: Californication

Californication: Season 6, Episode 6 “In the Clouds” (B+)

This show knows how to have a party, and this episode featured one unforgettable cross-country flight. The hilarity of Air Force 69 even existing is enough, and the fact that it’s populated with such a wild group of passengers is fantastic. Hank never seems to know exactly what Charlie’s gotten him into, and he has plenty of opportunity for trouble with everyone on board aside from the watchful and terrifying Krull, who is ready to inflict a world of pain upon Hank. It’s always the wives of those Hank is closely working with who desire him, and it was fun to see Atticus’ wife explicitly tell Hank that she wanted to have an extramarital affair before being drugged with an Ambien by her husband, who was intent on an affair of his own. Faith not being swayed by Atticus’ offers made her episode-ending seduction of Hank all the more mesmerizing, and sometimes it’s as if Hank doesn’t even need to try to win the women in his life over. Repeatedly trying to reach the women he loves when he thought the plane was going down couldn’t have hurt, of course. Charlie and Trudy are perhaps the most genius pairing of all time, and they were undoubtedly the funniest part of this episode. After six years, the excessive sex and ridiculous way in which these people live their lives should be getting tiresome, but this episode was as creative and alluring as ever, demonstrating that this show still has enduring potential.

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