Friday, March 29, 2013

What I’m Watching: Californication

Californication: Season 6, Episode 10 “Blind Faith” (B+)

There’s something to be said for an episode that can omit a good portion of the characters from a show and still prove engaging. It’s strange to think of Hank as an example of a good person to take home to meet your parents, though he has always been quite charming. Faith is proving to be a fascinatingly layered character, incapable of a pleasant interaction with her parents because of her mother’s strong faith and her aversion to all that Faith represents, and her father’s apathy and unhelpful nature. It’s just like Hank to express his less appropriate inner feelings, though his indiscretion with Faith in the church hardly compared to her vivid dream with Atticus as Jesus coming down off the cross to engage in some illicit activity. It does seem that Faith and Hank’s relationship is getting much more serious, though I suspect that she still won’t be around past this season, and therefore something dramatic will have to occur to drive a wedge between them. Becca’s latest news is just the more recent in a series of declarations that seem designed to upset her parents, but it really isn’t surprising that she has such loose, grand, adventurous aspirations given the casual parenting that Karen and Hank have provided to her until now. Karen manages, miraculously, to shift between hatred for Hank and a complete sense of admiration in each episode, and it’s a credit to the somewhat bizarre but appealing acting style of Natasha McElhone. I couldn’t imagine anyone else in the role.

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