Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What I’m Watching: Elementary

Elementary: Season 1, Episode 18 “Déjà Vu All Over Again” (B)

This was, in my opinion, one of the weaker episodes of this show yet to air. I’m glad that Sherlock is training Watson to be a detective, but having her get arrested for breaking into someone’s car and so freely air her hunches in a far less dramatic and composed fashion just doesn’t have the same oomph as it does when Sherlock does it. Sherlock also isn’t made for such an educational role, and I prefer him tossing objects at Watson to get her to think fast than tasking her with figuring out things for her own. She’s done a great job up until this point of contributing without being directed, and I think that should continue. After spending so much time with Sherlock, it’s no surprise that her social skills have decreased considerably, but it’s probably good for her to have a few friends of her own. I’m glad to see that she’s utilizing the sponsor she found for Sherlock to help her better her car theft skills. The cases weren’t all that exciting, namely because the big revelation that Drew Gardner killed the woman on the subway so that he could make it seem like the video his wife recorded for him was more recent than it actually was wasn’t all that shocking or unpredictable. It’s fine to have Sherlock’s all-powerful father referenced indirectly, but, one of these days, we’re going to have to meet the man whose influence helped make Sherlock into the person he now is.

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