Saturday, March 16, 2013

What I’m Watching: Enlightened (Season Finale)

Enlightened: Season 2, Episode 8 “Agent of Change” (B+)

It’s bittersweet to reflect back on this episode considering what happened in the wake of the show’s first season finale over a year ago, which saw this series as the only survivor of HBO’s comedy slate at that time. The way this show has concluded now could well serve as its series finale, but I think that this universe deserves further exploration. Amy going to Krista’s house shortly after her delivery to accuse her of ratting her out was a bad idea, and her reaction to Tyler’s admission that he told Eileen wasn’t great either. After everything, it was sweet to see Eileen come over to Tyler’s to give him a second chance, and it’s wonderful to see them both find happiness. The most satisfying scene of the episode was Szidon’s meltdown, since it showed Amy that she had in fact done something good and that the hope of getting her dream job was never actually real in the first place. Dougie’s parting moment with Amy was great, and it’s so terrific to see the character he’s become. While Jeff may not have turned out to be the greatest guy in the world, it’s nice that Levi gave Amy another chance, and Helen smiling at the article about Amy was heartwarming. Seeing the triumphant way in which this season ended is a tribute to the magnificent and unique nature of this show, and I would very much love to continue watching this spectacularly individualized and hopeful series in a third season and beyond.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Mike White as Tyler

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