Sunday, March 24, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Following

The Following: Season 1, Episode 9 “Love Hurts” (B-)

Almost ten episodes in, this show is heating up and heading in a new direction, letting Joe’s master plan begin to take shape as the chapters of its various members play out. This particular segment was especially disturbing, populated with public killings of people based only on their names. Marin Ireland, recognizable as terrorist Aileen on “Homeland,” was sufficiently creepy and believable as Amanda, who was a perfect henchman for Joe, carrying out her murders with no remorse and even a sense of purpose, believing that she was helping to punish those unfaithful to their spouses for their sins. Ryan definitely has suicidal tendencies, offering himself up so enthusiastically for Amanda to kill in order to save one Claire Matthews. The FBI needs to work on its encryption system, since it’s just a matter of time before Claire gets taken to Joe and then the FBI won’t have any hope of catching up with the cult. Paul’s demise was only a matter of time, and it’s interesting that his death marks Jacob’s first kill. Setting up their shared back story, which confirmed that Jacob had never in fact killed anyone, makes Jacob’s defiant reunion with Emma somewhat less impactful, since we know that he’s inarguably the least threatening and least dangerous member of the cult. Emma crying over her tryst with Joe turning into a one-night stand shows her weakness, and it’s clear that Roderick is not impressed with her, which is sure to make things at the cult compound quite tense.

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