Saturday, March 23, 2013

What I’m Watching: House of Lies

House of Lies: Season 2, Episode 9 “Liability” (B+)

It’s rare that the members of the pod ever have a brush with conscience, and we haven’t yet seen that from Clyde. The sight of a little boy whose father died in a work-related accident and whose mother won’t be compensated appropriately for his death because of a policy he came up with, however, did the trick and got Clyde thinking, enough so even to tell Doug about it. Clyde and Doug sharing a room was never going to end well, and it actually went better than expected, highlighted by a hug that Clyde relaxed into and actually seemed to enjoy for a moment. Jeannie and Tamara talking together was a recipe for disaster, and I love how everything that they say to each other is so laced with hatred and insults. Marty didn’t waste any time telling Kevin that he was sleeping with Tamara, and that self-destructive tendency and blatant disregard for her is likely to cost them their romance and affect their working relationship in a negative way. Roscoe going to live with Marty was a big victory, but it hardly felt like it considering the send-off Monica gave him. For how self-destructive Marty is, it’s appalling to watch Monica function, falling off the wagon again and tossing her relationship out the window because she didn’t want to be told what to do. Sleeping with Marty’s brother is going to drive a huge rift between them, and it won’t be long before Marty’s world comes crashing down even more than it already has.

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