Monday, March 25, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 2, Episode 19 “Quick Hardening Caulk” (A-)

I don’t think I’ve laughed as much as I did during this episode in a long time, and I mean long, lasting crack-ups, of which I counted three. Jess discovering an unexpected continued sexual attraction to Nick was very entertaining, and her attempts to suppress his more motivated side were extremely amusing. Their slapstick mishaps were rather epic, and Jess on pain meds was certainly funny. I’m glad that they decided to kiss again and couldn’t manage to stay calm around each other for long enough to sleep together, which suggests that this romance may continue for some time in a delightfully awkward way. Odette Annable’s bossy manager Shane appears to be out of the picture, but I wouldn’t mind seeing her again, even if she is somewhat similar to Nick’s most recent bar-dwelling girlfriend. Winston trying to help Schmidt get over Cece was simply superb, highlighted by Schmidt’s sudden desire to purchase the fish which he fell in love with so immediately. Schmidt getting stung by a jellyfish was hilarious, primarily because of Winston’s unhelpful secondary suggestion. It was good to see Winston stand up for his good friend Schmidt and tell Cece that she has to give him some space. Hopefully her charitable donation of the lionfish means that she still cares about him and won’t ultimately go through with her marriage. Another great friend moment in this episode was Schmidt’s call to arms upon seeing a bruised Nick. These roommates are simply fantastic, and they’re in the midst of their best interactions yet.

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