Saturday, April 13, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Following

The Following: Season 1, Episode 12 “The Curse” (C-)

There’s a point at which I find myself citing the same problems over and over with a given show, and I start to wonder whether the show will never get better and I should just stop watching now. And then, after yet another glaring show of incompetency by the FBI which put two agents in grave danger, there is a moment like the one that came at the very end of this episode, perfectly scored and haunting in just the right away. Roderick did seem to display a certain confidence while meeting Ryan for the first time that contradicts the way he’s been recently with Joe, which takes away from its effect somewhat. Joe is turning into more of a cartoonish villain, particularly with leaving his computer unlocked for Claire to read his unfinished chapter and calling Ryan to tell him about his writer’s block. Emma earns herself the award for being the most naïve person in this show’s universe for presuming that Claire would even acknowledge her after she kidnapped her son, and I suspect that her sleeping with Joe is of little concern to the already irked mother, whose escape attempts will no doubt continue on an episodic basis. I find it hard to believe that both Jacob and Mike have been so transformed by their recent brushes with death that they are now cold-hearted soldiers with murderous instincts. This show has just three episodes left in the season, and I hope that it can find a compelling new direction before it truly spirals out of control.

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