Friday, April 19, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Following

The Following: Season 1, Episode 13 “Havenport” (C-)

Like its main character, for whom nothing seems to be working out these days, this show is losing its grip. It’s navigating an unfortunate trajectory which is transforming Joe from a cool, collected mastermind into a madman without a hold on sanity. Joe’s big plan was formidable if overwrought, and now he’s speaking frantically and overplaying his hand at every turn. Melissa’s severe stunt was laughable in terms of the physical comedy of it all, and you’d think that Joe would be cunning enough to commission his followers to undermine the FBI’s authority and effectiveness rather than simply take out its members. The glaring incompetence of the FBI worsens with each episode, and perhaps it’s best that Nick is the latest one to fall, considering he essentially sanctioned Ryan’s blanket offer of immunity for any of Joe’s followers who came forward instead of chastising him for glaringly interfering with the FBI’s investigation. Roderick and Claire both made brash decisions I’m sure they’ll come to regret in this hour, with Roderick’s seeming frantic and ultimately working out well for him, considering the fact that the FBI will surely not catch up with him, and Joe may not pursue him now that he no longer has Joey. Claire, on the other hand, is likely not doomed to death just yet, though she should really take some tips from another Natalie Zea character, Winona on “Justified,” who fared much better when faced with a threatening presence on this show.

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