Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What I’m Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 6, Episode 4 “To Have and to Hold” (B+)

This Heinz business is getting awfully secretive, and it’s angering more than one person in a damaging and lasting way. Ken being kept out of Pete and Don’s meeting with his client was bad enough, and the sight of Peggy sitting so cheerfully outside the hotel room that Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce paid for was infinitely more wounding to Don’s pride. It’s a rare thing that he listens in on someone else’s conversation, and I think hearing Peggy sell using his language was the most painful part for him. Though Stan didn’t take the blame for informing Peggy about Heinz’s availability, he’s surely going to take out his anger on Peggy, cutting her off from her old firm. A rare spotlight on the secretaries was most notable for its spotlight on the tension between Harry and Joan, both of whom are hard to like when they’re being so cruel to each other. Harry has already earned more things than he should have, and it doesn’t look like he’s going to stop asking for even more anytime soon. Joan’s friend coming to visit helped show a different side of Joan and to underline just how out of place she feels in a job that even her mother applauds her for having. Don did seem awfully unbothered by Megan’s upcoming sex scene at first, but that changed in a big way when he showed up on set for the first time to watch her film it. Megan was spot on in her analysis of his motives: if he couldn’t prevent it, he’d be there to ruin it. It seems that Don isn’t the only unhappy one in this marriage.

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