Monday, April 1, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Mindy Project

The Mindy Project: Season 1, Episode 18 “Danny’s Friend” (C)

To me, this episode exemplifies everything that is wrong with this show. With such a funny creative like Mindy Kaling behind the scenes, you’d think that Danny, almost inarguably the show’s most engaging character, would have more substantial friends than a one-note walking stereotype like the excessively Italian Stevie. The fact that Mindy fell for his act and made out with him before discovering the horrible truth that he was in fact from Staten Island is even more unbelievable, and their midday trip to Staten Island was horrifically embarrassing for all parties involved. There is also so little intelligence on this show, present mainly in the intervention staged at the office, executed based purely on erroneous assumptions made by Jeremy and Mindy, which could easily have been assessed more closely and accurately. Ellie Kemper’s return as Heather was underwhelming as well, mainly because there was no reason that Mindy should have given in to Danny’s push for her to be honest and then convinced her landlord to allow a certifiably crazy woman she didn’t like to be able to rent an apartment in her building. I understand that Anna Camp’s Gwen is no longer meant to be a series regular, and I’m not sure where Kelen Coleman’s Alex was in this episode, but why do we continually have to be stuck with Mary Grill’s Maggie as Mindy’s best friend? She even managed to contradict her usual nature this time around, easily seduced by Heather’s offer of food and friendship when she’s much colder and more staunchly loyal to her friend Mindy most of the time.

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