Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: Season 5, Episode 18 “Animal Control” (B+)

I love this show. It manages to fire on so many cylinders all at once and to still be fresh with its focus on local government after nearly five seasons. It’s absolutely wonderful that the City Council continues to meet, with minor characters like Councilman Hauser and Councilman Dexhart appearing on a regular basis, and the eternally obnoxious Councilman Jamm trying to get his patients into office only to switch sides purely to actually win for once. The interviews were superb, particularly with Jerry and Oren, and I love that Leslie suggested April, and she managed to come up with a great solution that both made sense and will enable her to stay in her role while doing something new. Chris getting hurt was a small subplot, but amusing in its own right. Ann forcing Ron to get medical attention was funny, and his responses were terrific. The final scene with the banana was great, and I’m glad that Ron is such a consistent character. Ben, Tom, and Andy make a magnificent team, and it’s just a shame that they have to deal with such annoying people. This show has found a fantastic balance of spheres for its characters to exist in, and I’m glad to see Ben and Leslie both thriving in their jobs while encountering such regular obstacles that make for amazing episodes of this show. It hasn’t been officially announced yet, but this show needs to be renewed for a sixth season. It’s easily the best comedy currently on the air.

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