Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I’m Watching: Defiance

Defiance: Season 1, Episode 4 “A Well-Respected Man” (C+)

This show only continues to confirm my initial feelings about it with every new episode, close to intriguing and exciting but never quite hitting the mark. Tirra and Kenya managed to get abducted quite easily, by an even more easily identifiable suspect, and I wasn’t so into their hiding from him for the majority of the episode, but I did like the fact that Kenya managed to figure out that none of it was actually real. The sister dynamic between Kenya and Amanda is somewhat interesting, but I don’t think it’s quite as compelling as the show seems to think. Nolan, on the other hand, is useful in many situations but far too aggressive in others, and it would really help if those running the town could communicate so that unnecessary arrests can be avoided. I don’t buy Rafe and Datak working together so well given how they interacted in previous episodes, and conspiring to deceive Amanda, their one ally in just about everything, doesn’t make much sense either. It’s no surprise that Stahma was the one to broker a deal that could be suitable to everyone, suggesting that Datak be given a role worthy of his status that could help to boost his ego and make him cooperate. For all his hotheadedness, Nolan proved his salt when he realized that the suspect he was interrogating was more scared of Datak than of him, something which Datak didn’t even try to deny, instead owning up to the fact that much of what happens in Defiance is lawless in nature.

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