Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What I’m Watching: Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones: Season 3, Episode 8 “Second Sons” (B+)

This episode was very focused, cutting out Ned’s sons in favor of some royal happenings that are going to seriously confuse the Lannister-Tyrell lineage. Tyrion vowing never to hurt Sansa was sweet even if she didn’t seem to care, and after being embarrassed by Joffrey during the ceremony when he took his stepstool away, he got his revenge by threatening him when Joffrey planned to go have his way with Sansa. Tywin was wise enough to prevent that situation from turning ugly, but Tyrion isn’t exactly currying favor with Joffrey. A drunken Tyrion commenting on Sansa’s long neck was amusing, and his final remark before passing out was much more worthwhile, telling her that he won’t share her bed until she wants him to. I don’t think she meant to be truly unkind with her response, but she has absolutely no clue what’s going on, and didn’t notice that Shae was pleased to see that the sheets hadn’t been used. Margaery had what definitely ranks as her worst encounter, as Cersei threatened to strangle her if she ever calls her sister again. Daenerys’ journey is filled with murderous individuals, and this latest slimy person appears to be swayed by her beauty and wants to align with her rather than kill her as he had initially planned. I’m glad that Stannis freed Devos and that Melisandre didn’t sacrifice her poor would-be victim. I’m hoping for major movement on that front as well as on Arya’s journey with the hound, and I have no idea what to make of Sam’s latest run-in with the White Walker.

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