Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What I’m Watching: Longmire (Season Premiere)

Longmire: Season 2, Episode 1 “Unquiet Mind” (B+)

It’s great to have this underrated cop show back for the summer, and this was a fantastic, if off-season, way to start. The first scene containing an animal blocking the road was a subdued beginning for the episode, and, as always, things progressed in a quiet, nuanced manner. It’s no surprise that Walt would opt to follow the escaped serial killer up north despite the threat of an incoming storm, though at least he agreed to bring Vic’s cell phone with him, for all the good that did him. His cold-induced hallucinations were rather powerful, and hopefully we’ll see a much more stable and clearheaded Walt in the episodes to come. Branch appears to be pursuing the sheriff’s office as furiously as ever, though it was reassuring to see him team up with Henry without giving it a second thought to go rescue Walt. Vic punching the agent was pretty terrific, though her disgraced, regretful reaction was the best part since it didn’t turn into something bigger and instead forced her to contemplate the consequences of what she had done. I think that this show uses its remote setting and all the things that come with it – the weather, the Native American population, etc. – to its advantage. I look forward to this being one of my most reliable go-to procedurals this summer. It should prove particularly interesting to see what happens with the election and how Branch will deal with what’s almost guaranteed to be a loss given the title of the show.

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