Sunday, May 26, 2013

What I’m Watching: Nashville (Season Finale)

Nashville: Season 1, Episode 21 “I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive” (B-)

This was a powerful episode in many ways, but I’m not compelled by where some aspects of the story are headed. Deacon’s reaction to the news that Maddie might be his daughter is expected, and it really managed to undo him completely, making sure that Teddy was vigilant about Deacon not being in her life and sending him spiraling back into addiction. Maddie was angry with Rayna and wanted to live with Teddy, who is now going to have a whole new scandal to deal with since she is pregnant with a baby that most likely is in fact Teddy’s. Lamar demoting Tandy was his last big misstep, since his apparent return to health makes him ripe for a political takedown. He hasn’t been a central player on this show consistently enough for that plotline to be of extreme interest. The final scene with Will was also puzzling, since he seemed to imply some evil by the look he gave the guy who stared at him, suddenly transformed into some homicidal maniac rather than the shy player who made a move on Gunnar and then pretended it didn’t happen. I’m curious to see whether Gunnar timing his proposal both after their break-up and after Scarlett had to see her uncle unhinged will prove to be a good idea, though she did look awfully cozy with another completely transformed character, Avery, when he called her up on stage to sing with him. I find it odd that Rayna was one of the only people to attend Juliette’s mother’s funeral since she would likely not have wanted her nemesis there. I will admit that it was refreshing to see Glenn again, and to see him back in such a sympathetic, comforting way. Juliette actually has little to lose now as she moves forward, while Rayna and Deacon will surely feel the residual effects of what appears to be a very bad car accident in season two. I did enjoy this first year even if the plot got a bit away from itself sometimes, and I look forward to seeing the show again next year.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Connie Britton as Rayna

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