Friday, May 17, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl (Season Finale)

New Girl: Season 2, Episode 25 “Elaine’s Big Day” (B+)

This was an entertaining if occasionally ridiculous episode, and I’m very happy that it played out the way it did. I love how Nick acts around Jess now that they’re technically dating, and having Jess’ dad try to get Nick out of the picture was amusing, though not quite as funny as the fact that he made his “Miami Vice” joke twice. Nick being egged on to participate in the prank specifically because Jess accused him of already being involved was a great way of getting them both to realize how they felt abut each other, and it was very sweet that Jess wanted to “uncall” it and that Nick did too. Their relationship is sure to be rocky, but it’s so worthwhile. Schmidt trying to sabotage the wedding because he thought Cece didn’t want it, rather than because of his feelings for her, was great, though unfortunately Elizabeth wasn’t too happy with it. I really hope Schmidt will choose Cece since seeing them together was a blast. Shivrang running away with Taylor Swift was completely random but a fitting end to that particular saga, and a perfect way to write him out of the show. My favorite moments from the episode included the playing of “Cotton-Eyed Joe” and Nick’s unstoppable dancing, and Winston calling out “Marco” while they were in the ducts together. This season had some strong moments and some weaker ones, but overall it was great fun. It has one of the best ensembles on TV, and I’m definitely looking forward to season three.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Jake Johnson as Nick

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