Monday, May 6, 2013

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation (Season Finale)

Parks and Recreation: Season 5, Episode 22 “Are You Better Off?” (B+)

I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, though I’m not sure I would have realized that it was a season finale had I not known that going in. That said, there were a handful of major developments that at first seemed tentative but later became more definite, like Tom’s business nearly being bought and someone being pregnant. A campaign being started to get Leslie kicked out of office is actually a great way for this season to end, since it helps to strengthen her resolve and to encourage those around her, namely Ben and Chris, to rally to her aid to help her convince the city of Pawnee that she actually has their best interests at heart. Spouting off dance movie titles during her press conference was fun, and I look forward to seeing her persevere in what’s sure to be an uphill battle next season. Tom is also going to have to fight hard to keep his growing business at the top thanks to the unfortunate response of his interested buyer’s agent when he turned down his offer to be acquired, which should prove entertaining. Andy offering his full support for April when she told him that she was going to veterinary school was sweet, and I liked seeing him team up with the equally excitable Ann to determine whose pregnancy test it was. The revelation that it was Diane was rather unexpected, and it’s going to change things in a big way next season. This, as always, has been a wonderful year, and I can’t think of a more competent and fantastic comedy on television right now.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Amy Poehler

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