Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What I’m Watching: Veep

Veep: Season 2, Episode 3 “Hostages” (B+)

This episode spotlighted one character that we haven’t actually seen nearly as much as most of the other players, and that was Sue. The completely humorless receptionist got her chance to shine during testimony and managed to do a rather poor job, earning her brief celebrity status that was all too fleeting. I enjoyed Sue’s replacement, Cliff, who liked making jokes and kept responding to calls for Sue. Unfortunately, Cliff doesn’t seem to be nearly as good at his job as Sue was, and not telling her about the senate swearing-in was an enormous blunder. Selina’s performance during the swearing-in ceremony was distant and embarrassing at best, and it’s a wonder that she made it through the whole thing without truly offending someone. I’m glad that Kevin Dunn’s Ben is getting more screen time, and his attitude towards Kent is great. Kent’s noodle analogy, which Jonah was so fond of, was hilarious, as were the reactions of Selina and Ben to hearing it. Kent ordering Jonah to bring him the cerise-colored binder was one of what I hope will be many priceless times when Jonah excitedly agrees to a task without having the slightest idea of just what he’s supposed to be doing. I think we’ll have a great season with Kent and Cliff on board, and Jonah hanging around more than ever before. Gary and Dan fighting to have Selina’s ear was funny, and there was no way that Dan’s pompous practicality could ever have defeated Gary’s ability to suck up to Selina.

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