Monday, May 13, 2013

What I’m Watching: Vegas (Series Finale)

Vegas: Season 1, Episode 21 “Sons of Nevada” (B-)

It was announced before this episode even aired that this series wouldn’t be returning for a second season, something any loyal or passing viewer has known since this show got sentenced to certain death on Friday nights. Unfortunately, this final installment doesn’t make a great case for keeping it alive, mainly because it resolves things in a way that’s open-ended enough to be clever but still ties up most of the loose ends. Vincent and Ralph teaming up to take down Gainsley, even hiring Jones to help them infiltrate his operation with his calm, creepy, cookie-cooking demeanor, was a cool idea hatched in last week’s episode but hardly a productive or believable one as it played out here. Vincent categorizing the law as overly complicated due to the familial relations in the Las Vegas Sherriff’s department is completely accurate, and it’s one of the problems that has plagued this show since it started. This installment brought back the cowboy mentality, with Jack tipping his hat in solemn fashion after being rebuffed by Mia, who predictably slept with the determined Tommy. Mia and Jack were never going to work, but it was a harsh way for it to end considering Jack was gleefully ready to pop the question. Dixon and Yvonne seem to be headed for somewhere happier, while Ralph and Katherine still haven’t quite recognized their shared feelings for each other. This show was always fun to watch even if it was never excellent, and though I’m not surprised, I am sad to see it go.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Sarah Jones as Mia

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