Sunday, June 30, 2013

What I’m Watching: Longmire

Longmire: Season 2, Episode 5 “Party’s Over” (B+)

What a start this was, with Walt’s overenthusiastic girlfriend Lizzie planning quite the romantic night for him, earning only a sarcastic comment about Ferg answering the call for all her hard work. Lizzie made things quite awkward in this hour by saying hi to Cady on the street and introducing herself as her father’s girlfriend and then coming by the station later to call Walt out on not making their relationship public. Walt wasn’t the only one with relationship drama in this episode, as revealed by Henry’s on-and-off visitor of whom Walt clearly didn’t think highly. Branch’s visit to Cady’s was somber and definite, though it’s clear that the two of them have a connection that can’t quite be broken even if a romance is not in the cards. Walt chewing Branch out for focusing on the campaign instead of doing his job only to find that Branch had done both was an embarrassing moment, and, no matter what the outcome of the election, it’s incidents like those that are going to hurt their working relationship most. The most formidable maneuver in this episode was, of course, Vic getting ready to spar with Lorna in order to get her to talk. The fact that she so quickly lost and still encouraged Lorna to talk was impressive, and though we didn’t get to know anything more about Vic’s colored past, it was still worthwhile to see her jump right into the ring and express her impatience with the world in an extremely literal fashion.

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