Friday, June 21, 2013

What I’m Watching: Major Crimes

Major Crimes: Season 2, Episode 2 “False Pretenses” (B-)

This episode’s central plotline was familiar to me, if not entirely in this context. Fictionalized apps for gay men to find each other have also been featured in other cinematic fare such as the lackluster comedy “Hit and Run,” and here it’s the same kind of idea, enhanced by the notion of this mystery man whose profile picture featured only his chest. Its execution here was certainly full of intrigue, and had quite a resolution as staged by Raydor and D.D.A. Rios. The main reason that I wasn’t taken with this episode is that I’m really not impressed with her character. After Sykes was the unintelligent, inexperienced female last season, Rios has now fully stepped up to the plate, unable to control both her composure and her volume when she arrives at a crime scene. Additionally, she’s completely incapable of any kind of subtlety, always ready to overplay her hand immediately. I thought Rusty was more irritating than useful in season one, and now I feel that he’s much more positively ingrained into the storyline, but he’s still not an overly compelling part. It’s more worthwhile to see both Raydor and Provenza step in to defend Rusty when Rios doesn’t have the courtesy to treat him with any decency. I know he’s busy being terrible on “Revolution,” but I’d love to see Billy Burke return with another quality performance as Phillip Stroh, though I suspect they’ll be plenty of time left in the Rusty trial saga so he shouldn’t rush back just yet.

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