Sunday, June 16, 2013

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains (Season Premiere)

Royal Pains: Season 5, Episode 1 “Hankwatch” (B+)

Since we last checked in with the Hamptons, HankMed has certainly changed. Watching Divya dispel the legion of Hank substitutes was quite impressive, as was the code-violating medical center Evan built in his Boris-given home. Hank recovering and not being able to drive puts everyone else on edge but it also frames the show in a different way, since Hank is always the nonchalant, reasonable one who has to talk other people out of doing things they shouldn’t. Asking Jeremiah to write him a prescription crossed a major line, and it’s a sure sign that Hank is far from true recovery. Of course, HankMed has more than enough obstacles to prevent its productivity, starting with Divya’s pregnancy and the fact that an actress like Frances Conroy wouldn’t be wasted in a bit part and instead seems intent on taking down the kindly doctor who was nice enough to help her. Evan not wanting to move out is completely in keeping with the tradition of his relationship with both Hank and Paige, and it’s a good thing that he decided to move into the castle across the street to create some semblance of distance so that Paige won’t think that he’ll never leave his brother. Jeremiah’s Icelandic beard and online girlfriend make him look and seem different, but it’s clear that he’s not over Divya and that his feelings for her will continue to hamper his career, particularly now that she’s presumably pregnant with Rafa’s baby. While I’ve ditched other USA shows because they weren’t as gripping as other fare, I think this one has a good summer appeal that should keep it on my watch list in its fifth season.

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