Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What I’m Watching: True Blood (Season Premiere)

True Blood: Season 6, Episode 1 “Who Are You, Really?” (B+)

We didn’t even have a week off between the not-so-grand finale of one HBO fantasy epic and the premiere of another. Now in its sixth season, this show still has a distinct appeal, and it’s not yet clear where this season will be headed. With all of the outrageous vampire intoxication business finished, it looks like this world is headed for all-out war between humans and vampires. I like that Bill’s new state is far more complicated than mere furious possession by Lilith, and that Jessica finds herself drawn to be with him aside from the strong pull he has on her as her maker. Sookie rescinding Eric’s invitation to her home after he signed the deed back over to her was also an important step, and Pam is only going to continue to be alienated by Eric’s investment in Nora, which will in turn frustrate Tara. Two prominent new cast members should definitely prove to be formidable additions to this show’s already diverse ensemble. Rutger Hauer is a great choice to portray Worlow, who made a mesmerizing impression in one haunting extended scene which might leave Jason more than a little wounded. Arliss Howard’s Governor seems extremely duplicitous, and I’m intrigued to see how he figures into the silent funding of the Tru Blood factory and his execution of the vampire curfew. Luna’s death and Alcide’s V trip are minor subplots that may or may not lead somewhere since neither Sam nor Alcide is terribly connected to the main storyline at the moment, while Andy’s breed of quickly-grown children is a predictably humorous and somewhat creepy diversion from the more serious primary plot.

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