Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Round Two: Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan: Season 1, Episode 2 “A Mouth is a Mouth” (A-)

I’m definitely hooked on this show, and I feel like there’s so much that hasn’t even yet been explored. Abby walking down the stairs to find a worrisome amount of alcohol out resulted in a much less wild and more genuinely serene day. Mickey is making an extremely good impression on his children, and they even managed to blackmail their mother into letting them skip school so that they could spend time with him. The highlight of that excursion was Mickey having a heart-to-heart with Conor about being gay, which of course provided this episode’s title. Ray going ballistic when he couldn’t reach his kids and then preparing to storm over there to kill his father changed the tone considerably, though this episode did have its fair share of dark moments. I like the smooth beat that plays when people are driving, and I think this show has exceptional pacing. As far as minor characters go, we have yet to see a lot of Katherine Moennig’s Lena, but Steven Bauer’s Avi showed his true colors in this hour, stepping in to prevent Ray from making a mistake, all the while carrying out his henchman duties faithfully. Ray’s style is admirable, and watching him shift from talking civilly and respectfully to Chloe to coming in to choke her out was formidable, followed by the powerful act of sending Lena with money to pay for her sex change operation. Stu is incredibly afraid of Ray, which is hilarious, and it’s good to see that Ashley continues to milk her role as seductress without batting an eye. Ray’s family members are all mixed up in seriously bad business, and I have a feeling that the brutality visited upon Daryll by Avi is just the beginning.

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