Friday, July 19, 2013

What I'm Watching: The Killing

The Killing: Season 3, Episode 8 "Try" (B+)

This episode had an eerie, fatalistic feel as it followed the slow, troublesome ride directed by Pastor Mike. Linden isn't exactly known for her bedside manner, yet her disposition worked to her advantage in this case. She was extremely blunt and honest about her personal life, particularly how she lost her son, a fact she shared with him and then corrected in order to prove just how truthful she was being with him. Broadcasting the conversation was a bold move, and Holder's reactions while listening to her demonstrated just how loyal he is to her. When he discovered that it was on, it seemed like things were over, and it was the first time that Linden actually seemed afraid of something, even with all the nefarious things she faced at the casino last season. Holder bringing her Chinese food when she was at home recuperating from her ordeal was touching, and it's emblematic of their relationship, which is extremely unique and entertaining. Bullet lying to Holder was damaging enough to the trust that had been created between them that it's likely to going to cost Bullet severely, since she appears to be right in the crosshairs of the killer. Seward is being more compelling as he deals with the fact that his death is growing ever near and it doesn't seem like he'll be able to get out of it. Seward isn't the only one miserable in the prison, as Becker's wife indicates that there's more wrong with her marriage than meets the eye.

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