Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad: Season 5, Episode 11 “Confessions” (B+)

The pacing of this show at this point is simply excellent. That’s always been the case, to a degree, but now it’s clear that, over the course of the final eight episodes, some monumental events will occur, but other smaller developments will take just as much time and play out in the most mesmerizing of ways. Starting in the present day with Todd telling the infamous train story was a great way of reminding that, however out of the business Walt thinks he is, he’s still a living legend whose reputation will never die. Setting up a meeting at a restaurant with Hank and Marie felt very sterile, but it seemed to be the only way for the two angry couples to confront each other. The most vicious comment came not from Hank or Walt but from Marie, who might have scratched the surface of making Walt feel bad about himself when she told him just to kill himself to make things easier on everyone else. Walt responded in horrific kind, of course, making what initially appeared to be a sincere confession video but was quickly revealed to be an attempt to pin everything on Hank and scare him out of turning Walt in to his bosses. Jesse, on the other hand, was certainly not doing well, and I loved that Saul just burst into his interrogation room shouting about rights. Unfortunately, even after a comforting talk from Mr. White, Jesse’s disappearing act couldn’t come before he discovered that Saul and Walt colluded to poison Brock. Saul already bore the brunt of his rage, and now Walt’s house is going to suffer in a major way.

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