Monday, August 26, 2013

What I’m Watching: Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels: Season 3, Episode 4 “The Game” (B)

This wasn’t this show’s strongest installment, mainly because a good deal of the hour was spent with Cullen and Elam facing certain death, something that both of them have stared directly at before without much chance of it actually occurring, and playing violent games instead of doing productive work on the railroad. It seems that this season is much more about the challenges Cullen is going to face in continuing to expand the railroad in terms of the people it affects rather than simple manpower and construction issues. I enjoyed the fact that Cullen made out better because Jimmy realized that he was a Southerner. Durant telling Louise about the murders that Cullen committed is a commendable effort at sabotage, and it does seem that Louise is intent on frank, honest reporting, if her article about Eva is any indication. Unfortunately, her high praise of Eva didn’t translate to a positive opinion of Elam, and that argument is what paved the way for someone, presumably Declan or an employee of his, to take Eva’s child, which is going to prompt all hell to break loose in next week’s episode. I like the rapport that Cullen has with Ruth, who laughed for the first time in a while when he told her about the bearded lady. Though it’s not clear just what his endgame is yet, I’m glad to see the Swede featured at several points during this hour, chanting “fee fi fo fum” about the blood of a Mormon boy as if it weren’t the creepiest sentence ever uttered.

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