Saturday, August 10, 2013

What I’m Watching: Longmire

Longmire: Season 2, Episode 10 “Election Day” (B+)

It’s a wonderful to see a show not get bogged down by a series-defining election but instead let it help illustrate just how unique and strong the series is by having it play such a small part in this particularly compelling hour. Vic telling Walt that he won at a moment where he couldn’t care less was both extremely powerful and yet another instance of him being almost immune to the facts of things going on around him. Branch, by contrast, giving Ferg a hard time for not having “done his civic duty” was especially ill-timed, and we got to see Ferg spring into worrisome action in a way we never have before, motivated by his own affection for Cady but certainly fueled as a way by a disdain by Branch’s recent attitude and activity. The aftermath of Branch’s defeat doesn’t seem positive either, despite Jacob’s energetic call to honor his supporters, and, even if Cady makes a full recovery, he’s sure to suffer much more at Walt’s hands after trying to defy his authority and so evidently failing. Vic dragging the suspect back over state lines and Walt charging the driver with an almost endless list of offenses demonstrated just how seriously the sheriff’s department treated this case, which hit far too close to home. Walt and Henry blaming themselves for Cady getting hurt in the first place was troubling, and Walt’s decision to go on a vision quest is not likely going to end with him being in a good place, and it’s going to take some hard work from the people around him to get him back to his normal gruff self.

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