Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What I'm Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 6, Episode 9 “Life Matters” (B-)

In some ways, this was a good episode, but I can’t help but think that this show has turned into an enormous bloody mess. I know it’s about vampires, but there has never been more gut-bursting blood in any episode, even the ones where the Authority members were running around maiming humans. I understand the notion of revenge and the fact that the doctor and the psychiatrist had to die brutally, but this was extreme, even for this show. The sight of all the vampires in the white room feeding on Bill can’t really be unseen, and I can’t comprehend how this blood seems to be passed around so many times that no one need die ever because of it. Eric allowing Steve to burn was rather cruel, while Jason’s decision to let the Bible-quoting maniac Sarah go may have unfortunate consequences in the future. Why Tara and Jessica allowed Violet to live is a mystery, since now Jason is going to have to deal with having her around all the time. Vampire developments aside, this episode was fully focused on Terry’s funeral, which was bizarre considering we saw much more of him in this hour than we ever saw on the show when he was alive. The awkward flashbacks didn’t help at all, and I’m not sure why he deserved such a big send-off. I suppose it was just a ruse for Sookie to do some good and for Alcide to return to the giant teddy bear that he is and to finally break free from his destructive pack and uncontrollable plotline.

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