Friday, October 4, 2013

Round Two: Hostages

Hostages: Season 1, Episode 2 “Invisible Leash” (C-)

The end of this show’s pilot indicated that its storyline would continue on, but it didn’t give me much faith that it could remain creative and enticing for an entire fifteen episodes. That point was proven in episode two, as Duncan employed the traditional “better to get inside their heads” argument that he should pretend to shoot Brian rather than actually give Ellen a consequence for defying him just to frighten her. That theory didn’t work at all, and Maria’s ride with Brian was equally pointless. Forcing him to have sex with Samantha is just going to drive a wedge between him and Ellen, making him a useless tool in Duncan’s larger game. This was an unconventional and less exciting role for Hilarie Burton, formerly of “One Tree Hill” and “White Collar,” devoid of any spunk and pathetically obsessed with a clearly uninterested party. Making Brian go and see her when he’s so distracted is a risky move likely to draw more attention to the Sanders home, and the same is true of Kramer’s lack of interest in helping Jake solve the problem of the drug dealer who is sure to come to his house to collect. This show seems more intent on inconsequential punishments, like offing the nurse who Duncan decided had to take all the blame for Ellen’s delay stunt rather than getting rid of any of the show’s main characters. I’m not sure where this show is headed next, and I’m not very interested to find out since it seems like this is all going to be filler to prolong the inevitable for as long as possible.

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