Friday, October 18, 2013

Take Three: Masters of Sex

Masters of Sex: Season 1, Episode 3 “Standard Deviation” (B+)

As time goes on, Bill is becoming less and less likeable, but his study is becoming all the more interesting. Involving gay men is an intriguing new idea, and it seems to have exposed something unexpected with Scully that Bill used to his advantage to keep the study going. The flashbacks to an earlier, brighter time when Bill was still on his way up in the world and Scully was his kindly mentor were extremely effective in contrast to his harsh, much less forgiving attitude in the present. Taking Ethan’s prized quadruplets case away from him was cruel, especially since he didn’t even seem to care about the glory of it all, while Ethan wanted to share it with the whole world. He doesn’t appear to be going anywhere, even if he doesn’t yet have the staff position and he’s gradually losing the respect of those around him. Announcing Libby’s pregnancy to her was a big win, and that’s a huge surprise that’s sure to throw everyone on this show for a loop. Virginia telling Libby that Bill was the one who was infertile wasn’t mean to be malicious, and it’s a good thing that she got the good news before she had the chance to really punish Bill for deceiving her. This episode was full of great guest stars, starting with the always fantastic Mae Whitman, who fit into the role well, Julianne Nicholson as the steely new female doctor, and Greg Grunberg as the kindhearted and unassuming Pretzel King and future husband of the also infertile Betty.

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