Thursday, October 10, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 5, Episode 2 “The Bit Bucket” (B+)

It’s so interesting to see what this show features and how in-depth some of its plotlines are. Actually seeing the two NSA analysts, one of whom was played by Zach Woods, recently of “The Office,” listening in to all the calls between Lockhart Gardner employees and not paying attention to the ones that we as audience members would deem quite important, showed that there’s a much bigger web of things going on than anyone suspects. Connecting Nisa’s father with the Governor’s office may seem far-fetched to viewers, but it’s likely to mean plenty of trouble for Peter and Eli. Diane giving a negative interview about Will to appease the judge who had already been swayed by the Governor is worrisome, and it’s sure to have adverse effects going forward. This was a big episode for returning guest stars, featuring John Benjamin Hickey as Neil Gross, Jeffrey Tambor as Judge Kluger, Stockard Channing as Veronica, Miriam Shor as Mandy Post, and, for the first time since “Apartment 23” and “Compliance,” Dreama Walker as Zack’s manipulative and mature ex-girlfriend Becca. I love the way that the lawyers on this show argue cases, and how they ended up using AUSA Hortense’s one-sided hearing rule against him. He, for the record, was played by Brennan Brown, who was seen in a recent episode of “Breaking Bad” and on season two of “Person of Interest” as the ever-belligerent Donnelly. Things are reaching a boiling point on this show, and season five is definitely going to be one of its most exciting years yet.

1 comment:

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