Saturday, October 12, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 3, Episode 4 “The Captain” (B+)

Schmidt trying to break Jess and Nick up could have been a long process, but I sort of like the fact that it only lasted a short time and produced such terrific results. There’s really nothing better than when Nick and Jess list off things that they feel, and that scene in this episode was just as good as the one in last week’s. His quick apology when he was yelled at by Winston for talking about his biscuits to Jess was funny, and it’s just so great to see them together. A familiar plotline like impotence turned out to be rather entertaining, and it’s so wonderful to see what Zooey Deschanel and Jake Johnson can do together. Nick being overly sentimental and not concerned with jumping Jess’ bones in a timely fashion was great, and while I thought that he was going to say “I love you,” it was better than he just kept rambling before Jess got so frustrated with his inability to act. It’s sad to see Schmidt so hung up on Cece when she’s clearly so done with him given his latest betrayal, but he’s still a lot of fun to watch no matter what state he’s in. Winston is bordering on being really creepy, but I guess that’s nothing new. He could use a woman in his life now, and it’s a shame that he’s so obsessed with his cat that he couldn’t see that Kylie was flirting with him and was interested in him when all was thinking about was getting his cat laid before he got neutered.

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