Saturday, October 26, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 3, Episode 6 “Keaton” (B+)

This episode was actually rather simplistic, and for the first time in a while, the characters weren’t all off on their own plotlines, instead centralized on the long con to keep Schmidt from losing his cool and realizing that he had never actually been communicating with his idol Mr. Michael Keaton. I love the way Schmidt’s brain works, to the point that he thought Nick and Jess were just pretending to be Michael in the present and recreating his former rapport, when Nick had been posing as the actor for eighteen years. Schmidt’s excitement about being in contact with Michael was palpable, and it was embarrassing to hear him brag so much to the very people who were deceiving him. I enjoyed Nick and Jess’ back-and-forth about what and how to respond, and some of Jess’ messages were quite terrific. I was worried about how a clearly distraught Cece would react to seeing Schmidt, but it ended up being rather anticlimactic, instilling confidence in Cece that she really was over Schmidt, who definitely isn’t done with her, though he’ll have considerable trouble winning her back after what happened with Elizabeth. Schmidt moving out is a big deal, and you could tell that his roommates were most concerned with the balance of the apartment when he announced his departure. Taking the Douche Jar with him was triumphant, but that was undone quite a bit by the fact that he was merely moving across the hall. I’m sure that won’t last long, but it should prove to be an interesting diversion temporarily. On a side note, the Halloween costumes were fun.

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