Saturday, November 30, 2013

Take Three: Almost Human

Almost Human: Season 1, Episode 3 “Are You Receiving?” (B+)

I’m continually impressed by what I’m seeing here, and I’m glad to see the premise and concept playing out so well. This episode’s plot could have been found on any cop show, but it’s the futuristic technology that really makes it interesting. This had “Die Hard” written all over it, with thieves pretending to be terrorists so that people wouldn’t realize what they were really up to, but with the advanced capability of projecting someone else’s faces onto theirs to firm up the charade. The casting of Damon Herriman, most recently seen as the completely creepy Jones on “Vegas,” as the ringleader of this particular operation was brilliant, and he played the role perfectly. I like the way that Dorian was incorporated into the situation, receiving all of the calls coming from inside the building and able to answer them as part of his interface. Catching a flesh wound in the head was a definitely low point for him, and I love that Kennex figured out the appropriate improvised fix, which prompted the infinitely corny and memorable argument from Kennex about why Dorian shouldn’t go in alone: “You’ve got bubble gum in your head.” Kennex and Dorian do make a spectacular duo, running headfirst into danger and both demonstrating equally reckless bouts of bravery. The action in this episode didn’t let up, and I think that’s a fantastic sign for the future of the series, especially as the enemies get even fiercer and more threatening than a group of murderous thieves.

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