Friday, November 29, 2013

What I’m Watching: Boardwalk Empire (Season Finale)

Boardwalk Empire: Season 4, Episode 12 “Farewell Daddy Blues” (B+)

I’m always compelled to compare the state of things right now to how they were at this point last season. Narcisse was never the same villain that Gyp was, yet his fate is considerably worse. Instead of being stabbed by his own people while blubbering like a madman on the beach, he got apprehended by Hoover after Nucky hired Harrow to take him out and was forced back into a position of servitude completely against the position he advocated for the whole of this season. Despite the tragic loss of his daughter while he was protecting another Daughter, Chalky did survive, and knowing that Nucky was always on his side means something. Nucky’s confrontation with Eli was inevitable, and it was as harsh as might have been expected, though Willie’s presence made things go differently. Eli killing Knox was brutal but unsurprising given the disregard for Eli’s wellbeing or personal stake in things that he had exhibited, and Eli meeting up with Nelson was an intriguing resolution that should make things next season plenty interesting. Torrio getting shot but not killed was a fateful event, since he now officially appointed Al his successor. I’m not sure what happens now that Gillian is in jail and if he story continues, but her fate is far more important for another person who was connected to her: the ever-loyal Richard Harrow. Seeing him arrive in Wisconsin to find his family waiting for him was wonderful, but as soon as his uninjured face appeared, it was clear that it was but a dream, and he was this season’s ultimate casualty. He’ll be missed. Though this season couldn’t possibly have topped season three, it was still good, and I look forward to season five next year.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Michael Shannon as Nelson Van Alden/George Mueller

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