Thursday, November 7, 2013

What I’m Watching: Eastbound and Down

Eastbound and Down: Season 4, Episode 6 “Chapter 27” (B+)

When Kenny pulls his typical stunts, it’s always a little bit unbearable to watch, but when he thinks he’s doing something noble and it couldn’t be further from the case, it’s especially difficult to take. Throwing a surprise party for April and announcing that they were going to renew their vows was absolutely the wrong thing to do, and, understandably, April took it poorly. Kenny consulting with Dixie of all people was interesting, though that proved to be predictably selfish, as evidenced by Kenny’s unwillingness to listen to any of her problems. I’m worried about Kenny and April’s relationship, and though Kenny did realize in the end that he had in fact done something wrong, he still doesn’t know what it is, and can’t comprehend that agreeing to go to therapy might solve all their problems. Going hat in hand to Guy seemed humiliating, and it looked like things might just work out until Guy threw everything back in his face and berated him with demeaning insults. Leave it to Kenny to have the last word, however, and the look on Guy’s face when he went out on stage only to be booed by his audience was priceless. Using Guy’s own cruel trick to get revenge on him was brilliant, and though he doesn’t exactly deserve sympathy because of his deplorable behavior in this episode, it is good to see Kenny on top. This may just be exactly what he needed to earn back some faith in him, and let’s hope it means a happy ending for him in the show’s upcoming final two episodes.

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