Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 5, Episode 7 “The Next Week” (B+)

The new firms are proving to be quite interesting, and I’m glad this show isn’t content just to have the rivalry guide the plotline, adding considerable intrigue with a major case each episode. Hunter Parrish’s Jeffrey getting pulled over without knowing why was reminiscent of Zack being pulled over, though this was much more serious, as evidenced by Geneva revealing that the DUI stop was merely a ruse to take his DNA so that he could be charged with murder. Will’s drive to succeed is formidable, and realizing that his client may have lied to him was a harsh wake-up call that he can’t control everything. Alicia strolling back into Lockhart Gardner was an intense moment, compounded considerably by the brief looks exchanged between her and Will. Owen running into Will was unexpected and fantastic, and Owen telling him that Alicia left because she didn’t want to fall in love with him was ballsy but not too surprising given how we’ve seen him behave before. David’s back and forth with Alicia about who was the responsible partner was entertaining, and it’s worrisome that Anthony lied to get hired back at Lockhart Gardner and threw Alicia under the bus in the process. Fortunately, the struggling firm of Florrick Agos has just earned itself the best free help possible, in the form of Clarke, who really is very likeable. It’s a good thing that the webcam spying turned out to be unrelated to legal matters, but it still got Zack pretty riled up and solidified the bond between the Florrick siblings.

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