Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What I’m Watching: Homeland

Homeland: Season 3, Episode 8 “A Red Wheelbarrow” (B+)

There’s a lot going on in this episode, and I’m not entirely sure where it’s all going to lead, but this show is managing to retain my attention, which it wasn’t doing when Carrie was spending time in mental hospitals. Saul doing his best to assert his authority over his new senatorial enemy during the last few weeks of his position is proving more mature than in last week’s episode, and though he is sharing information much later than he should be, it’s at least good to see that he’s opting to get some approval for his actions rather than risk uncountable consequences later. Sadly, he thinks that his marriage is in much better shape than it is, and Mira’s efforts to support him in that seem to have inspired some spying that hopefully doesn’t relate to terrorist activities at all but it is no way good. Involving Dar in operations with Bennett was a good way to accelerate things and flesh out another piece of the puzzle, even if it was quickly terminated. Maybe a gunshot wound will convince Carrie that she can’t run in and ruin every single mission, even if it means that her targets will be shot rather than interrogated. The big reveal of the episode, of course, is that Saul knows where Brody is, and he’s the next part of his plan. Brody definitely doesn’t look like he’s in good shape, and let’s hope that Saul decides he can trust him and start working on clearing his name rather than just transferring him to another hole in the ground somewhere else.

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