Thursday, November 28, 2013

What I’m Watching: Homeland

Homeland: Season 3, Episode 9 “Horse and Wagon” (B+)

Now it finally seems that this season is going somewhere exciting, though that’s mostly because of things achieved solely in this hour. Segmenting an episode with an intertitle like “sixteen months later” indicates just how much development occurred, even if it was mainly surrounding one core plotline. Starting with both Carrie and Brody lying destitute in beds with no friends in the world was an excellent way to allow them to be transformed over the course of the episode, with Carrie reclaiming her handler role and Brody getting closer and closer to redemption. Showing Brody fall and then running confidently moments later after the fast-forward to two weeks later was very effective, and he definitely seems ready for his extremely intense mission. Dana’s reaction to seeing him was definitely harsh, but it looks like all it’s done is to motivate Brody to come back and have the chance to see her – and Carrie – again as a better person. Saul’s plan is undeniably brilliant, but it’s just as risky, and I have to assume that something won’t go right along the way. Utilizing Virgil and Max to deduce the fact that his wife’s new boyfriend is actually an Israeli intelligence officer working directly for Senator Lockhart was smart, and buying himself some time to make sure his operation can have a chance to play out was just as smart. We have three episodes to go this season, and let’s hope they’re all as energetic and compelling in both pacing and plot as this one.

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